domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Why Being Successful?

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I'm pretty sure that on your way to achieve great things, while facing sad or disappointing moments, you have thought: ''Why doing all this?'' ''Why am I working on these things this hard?'' '' Is it worthy?''.

Why Being Successful?

Because you must show yourself the great value you have. You didn't come to this world to just exist or occupy a space, you came to live and achieve your dreams.

Why Being Successful?

Because happiness in humanity comes from having great goals and achieving them.

Why Being Successful?

Because nobody is gonna remember you if you're just ''normal'',  you have to do extraordinary things.

Why Being Successful?

Because our world needs more people who feel responsible for their wealth, happiness and prosperity and not more people just waiting for the goverment to solve their problems.

Why Being Successful?

Because you are more than just ''work and pay bills''.

Why Being Successful?

Because you're gonna inspire others with your story of success.

Why Being Successful?

Because you MUST leave a legacy in this world. 

Leave me your comments and tell me your own reasons why you wanna be successful.

''Be phenomenal or be forgotten'' Eric Thomas

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