martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016

Why You Must Have Your 2017 Goals In Writing?

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Hello there,

Today I wanna talk to about something extremely important in this upcoming 2017. Many people at this point of the year start saying what they reportedly want or will do for next year. But something happens on january 15th.

January 15th is what Tony Robbins calls ''The Cut-Off'' . That's the date where 95% of people who made new year resolutions have already broken them.

But there is a thing with those so-called ''resolutions'' or ''new year goals''. They're not actual goals, they're mere fantasies. Why?. Because they are just wishes coming into the mind of those people, those are things that people know they have to do but they don't really show seriousness with what they say, these are not real purposes, these are wishes up in the clouds.

You know what are the wishes that come true most of the time?  the ones that are in writing 

You know why?

Because when you write down your goals you're being serious with yourself.  Neurological and psychological research shows that there's a connection between your hands and your mind, meaning that if you write something down as a goal your mind will make you , push you and move you to do it.

So it doesn't matter what you want, put it all in writing and you'll see the results. 

And there's catch, It has been my personal experience, Bob Proctor suggests to put in present and not in the future what you say you want, it makes it much more clear in your mind!

Have a wonderful day

Leave me your comments or questions if you have any, feel free.

Samuel Rosario

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2016

''Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'' A cliche?

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Hello there, Happy Holidays!

This is a phrase you have heard these days and will continue to hear. However, don't use that expression just because of the trend or just for doing it. Set goals, real objetives in your life. Make your 2017  properous and  a happy year for real. 

Do it!

Do it at a way that in december 2017 you know that you have grown spiritually, personally, financially and intelectually, let your level of life be much better in 2017, don't let yourself be exactly the same you are now in 2017. 

Remember, you didn't come to this world to occupy a space , you came to shine, to fulfil a purpose. Successful people always keep learning and growing, so be like that too.

So, all this being said, if you're not gonna set goals and grow in all areas of your life , it doesn't make any sense to use the words '' Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'' and that is when it becomes a cliché and old-fashioned also.

Remember having all your desires in writing

Let's make the 2017 the best year of our lives: a happy year.

If you have any comments or questions, leave you comments below.

Have a wonderful and succesful day!

Samuel Rosario

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

The 'I Don't Have Time' Doesn't Exist

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We always hear people saying the words: ''I don't have time'', you know what?, that's not true.

When something is your priority in life you will find the time to do it no matter what. Excuses, justifications or procrastination will disappear when something really is important, you will the time and even, if necessary,  the money to make that happen.

Imagine you work 10 hours a day, and study 2 hours ( talk about a very busy person) and you have a  a car which take you to the work, college and back home, and suddenly that car gets broken, the tires and the engine don't work, you take the car to the bodyshop and the worker there tells you "It's 1,000 bucks to repair it''. I can guarantee you that you will find the time and the money to repair that car no matter how ''busy'' you can be.

So what you have to do in life is establishing priorities, what you have as a priority will always be something you will have the time to do.

All this being said, from now on, don't use the words ''I don't have time'', instead, use the words ''that's not my priority''.

If you wanna kow more about this topic and many others, keep in touch with my newsletter Secrets of Success.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Why Being Successful?

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I'm pretty sure that on your way to achieve great things, while facing sad or disappointing moments, you have thought: ''Why doing all this?'' ''Why am I working on these things this hard?'' '' Is it worthy?''.

Why Being Successful?

Because you must show yourself the great value you have. You didn't come to this world to just exist or occupy a space, you came to live and achieve your dreams.

Why Being Successful?

Because happiness in humanity comes from having great goals and achieving them.

Why Being Successful?

Because nobody is gonna remember you if you're just ''normal'',  you have to do extraordinary things.

Why Being Successful?

Because our world needs more people who feel responsible for their wealth, happiness and prosperity and not more people just waiting for the goverment to solve their problems.

Why Being Successful?

Because you are more than just ''work and pay bills''.

Why Being Successful?

Because you're gonna inspire others with your story of success.

Why Being Successful?

Because you MUST leave a legacy in this world. 

Leave me your comments and tell me your own reasons why you wanna be successful.

''Be phenomenal or be forgotten'' Eric Thomas

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

Is Distribution Of Wealth The Solution?

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The millionaire businessman John Paul Getty once said ''If you took all the money in the world, divided up equally among everybody,  It will soon all be back in the same pockets''

I'm pretty sure you've heard or maybe talked about this topic of unfairness or injustice when it comes to money distribution around our world. It is true and it is real. 

Goverments and rich people do their best to help solve this problem (I even invite you to do your part here and also help those who are in dire situations).

However, there is a problem, money does not exceed your personal development. You have to prepare yourself, learn the lessons, the teachings and absorb the knowledge that will take you to that level of wealth and prosperity.

Imagine you have a 16-ounce glass in your hand, and you wanna put 2 liters of water into that glass. 

What's gonna happen?. 

You got it!. The water is gonna spill all over the table. Why?. Because that glass is not ready to receive that amount of water. That exact thing happens with money and prosperity.

You must get your glass ready before deserving that wealth and abundance you want.

That is why about 70% of lottery winners, within a few years, end up in the same place they were before. It is because they were not prepared yet to receive big amounts of money. 

You must elevate your level of awareness, knowledge and majurity to be able to actually receive wealth in your life and keep it. You gotta be rich in your mind first and it'll become a reality!.

The legend Jim Rohn in 1981 said: ''Sometimes income takes a lucky jump but sure enough unless you grow at what it is, It'll usually come back where you are''.

So the lesson here is, you must read the books, take the courses, programs and seminars that will propel you and take you up to the level of consciousness you need to attract that greatness you want.

Leave me your best comment below and tell me what you think about it!. Are you elevating your level of awareness?

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Positive People Don't Get Sick

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80-90% of diseases are created by the mind..

How is that?

Studies of the Psychosomatic Medicine show that it is our mind that gets our body sick because of the stress, anxiety, negativity or pessimism people migh have in their heads.

All those conditions make your immune system go down dramatically and, of course, absorb all kind of diseases, pandemics, endemics and viruses in this world. 

You find yourself in a situation that you can't get out of a painful state.

However, when you are positive, listen to positive people  get surrounded by high energetic people, read positive information, have clear goals and have big dreams, diseases get away from you.

When you are at an optimistic state of mind, your immune system gets strong and powerful. Your body won't let illnesses in.

It's just amazing!..

Of course there might be some dieases and some particular situations, but in general, positive and optimistic people are far far away from gettig sick, and there's something even better, they are more likely to live longer!

All this being said, I wanna invite you today to start (or keep) thinking and living a positive and powerful life, stay away from the crowd complaints, regrets or negative talkings.

The benefits you get from being positive are countless. This is quality all successful people have. It is key for your success!

Keep in touch with my daily newsletter ''Secrets of Success'' and I'll be telling much more about all this

''It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive'' Ellen DeGeneres

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

It's Easier To Succeed Than To Fail

Resultado de imagen para Succeed

Maybe you thought that I wrote my title incorrectly.

I did not..

You see, our natural instinct as human beings is to win. We were born to achieve big things in life. We have come to this world to be free, to be winners, to succeed.

When we are kids we don't understand the words: ''You're not allowed'' or ''You can't do that''.  We go after things.

However, somewhere along the way, we forget and leave behind that instinct. We start to hear from our family, our friends, the news or our teachers about how hard life is, how terrible things in life can be.


We lose our self-confidence and totally lose sight of what we have come for to this world.

People nowadays see as a normal thing to fail, to be mediocre, to be mediocre, to be poor. They don't realize that they have a compromise to triumph during their experience. All that is because of how they've let the outside noise of the world to change their perspective.

You can change all that...

Fortunately, we can recover our natural instinct, reading positive books rather than the newspaper, listening to personal development audios instead of the news or getting around dreamers and not around ''common'' people.

Apply these habits daily and you'll see how you'll have a mental metamorphosis and will be able to find yourself again!.

Keep reading my newsletter Secrets of Success. I'm going to keep sending you great content about this exciting topic!.

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2016

Why Almost Nobody Is Successful?

Studies show that 95% of people end up having a very mediocre, average or below average life, and that only 5% people have a life of abundance, wealth and prosperity.

Why is that?..

The problem lies on one specific thing that Earl Nightingale mentions in his book Lead The Field, and that is: ''Following the follower''. Yes, everybody follows everybody. People follows everyody's habits.

People wanna fit in. They wanna look like everyone else to be accepted, they wanna use the masses vocabulary, their excuses, their topics of conversation, their complainings, their habits of overspending all the money. they wanna have a normal life to be ''saved''.

All this leads to a life empty, mediocre and average without purpose and, of course, without happiness.

So in your case, don't be like them, you are different, if you are reading this it is because you're interested in your success.

If you wanna have a life different than the masses, you must develop habits that are totally the opposite of most people.

So it's like Jim Rohn said: Don't do what they do, don't go where they go, don't speak like they speak, don't walk like they walk, develop your own vocabulary'' In other words he said: ''walk away from them''.

Remember, if you do what everyone else does, you'll get the results everyone else gets.

Walk away from the majority, if you wanna have an abundant life, and join the minority, these are the group of people that understand the Universal Principles of Success.

So from now on, don't follow the follower, follow the habits and teachings from successful people, listen to successful people, read books about it of course keep reading my newsletter ''Secrets of Sucess''.

Why Almost Nobody Is Successful?

Studies show that 95% of people end up having a very mediocre, average or below average life, and that only 5% people have a life of abundance, wealth and prosperity.

Why is that?..

The problem lies on one specific thing that Earl Nightingale mentions in his book Lead The Field, and that is: ''Following the follower''. Yes, everybody follows everybody. People follows everyody's habits.

People wanna fit in. They wanna look like everyone else to be accepted, they wanna use the masses vocabulary, their excuses, their topics of conversation, their complainings, their habits of overspending all the money. they wanna have a normal life to be ''saved''.

All this leads to a life empty, mediocre and average without purpose and, of course, without happiness.

So in your case, don't be like them, you are different, if you are reading this it is because you're interested in your success.

If you wanna have a life different than the masses, you must develop habits that are totally the opposite of most people.

So it's like Jim Rohn said: Don't do what they do, don't go where they go, don't speak like they speak, don't walk like they walk, develop your own vocabulary'' In other words he said: ''walk away from them''.

Remember, if you do what everyone else does, you'll get the results everyone else gets.

Walk away from the majority, if you wanna have an abundant life, and join the minority, these are the group of people that understand the Universal Principles of Success.

So from now on, don't follow the follower, follow the habits and teachings from successful people, listen to successful people, read books about it of course keep reading my newsletter ''Secrets of Sucess''.

viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Why Must You Do What You Love?

It looks like it's become a cliché  the saying : ''Do what you love''.

Let me explain you with clear words why this is a must.

Think about the great lawyers and the mediocre lawyers, one thing great lawyers have in common is that they totally love laws, they are passionate about reading new information on their field, they buy magazines, watch videos, look for new codes, revocations and more.

Mediocre lawyers always say things like : ''That's too large'', '' Reading that is not for me'', '' Me reading all that?''. They don't vibrate with the laws, therefore they don't read, which leads up to not knowing anything.

When you do what you love you're on a road to be successful in that field, because you're gonna learn, search and get involved in as many things as possible . You'll do what it takes.

If you do what you like you even forget when it is monday, wednesday or friday. You live your passion!, you live happily!. 

Unfortunately almost 90% of people in our society work and do things they hate. It looks like it is normal that ''working'' is doing something unbearable, torturing and unpleasant.  That is WRONG!.

Reseach shows that heart attact rate increases by 35% on monday morning from 6 AM to 10 AM. That's because of the stress people feel about going back to do something they hate.

I totally wanna invite to find what you love and do it. Don't follow the path everybody follows.

Leave me your comments. Are you doing what you love?

Samuel Rosario

viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

Don't Listen to The News

The success or failure of our lives is determined by our thoughts, the mentality we have. Unfortunately people fill their minds, most of the time, with negative words. One of the main sources of that negative message is: The News.

It's very good in life to be informed, I'm not against that. The problem is that if you keep paying attention to the news, you're gonna believe that at least we are in hell, that this world is nonsense, life is nonsense, your country is nonsense, everything is worthless.

Your mind is gonna be full of negative expectations, a negative view, negative thoughts, you'll think that the world is caving in, that it doesn't make any sense to be in this life.

While there's so many people in life having success, beholding and living what a world full of opportunities they are in. That's a whole different perspective.

In my case when I wake up in the morning I read postive information, then , instead of listening to that whirlpool of horrible, devastating and alarming news, I fill my head with life-changing audios by Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor,  Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Luis Costa and many others. 

Since I started doing that, my life has changed dramatically. My point of view towards life has changed radically. Your morning habits will determine the quality of your days!

It's sad how many people want to have a very positive day but first thing they do in the morning is reading the newspapers or listening to the news. There they hear about murders, killings, bombings, rapes, assaults, suicides, tragedies, suffering, pain, destruction, and then after seeing all that,  they want to go out and have a positive day. It doesn't make any sense at all.

So from now on, make the compromise with yourself to fill your brain with empowering and edifying information. It's good to be informed, you can, but don't get involved in those whirlwinds of pessimistic news. Don't fill your mind with negativity.

Remember: You become what you think about!

I wanna invite you to download my Free Report; 10 Fundamental Habits For Success

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Forget About The Minimum Wage

From far and wide you see people going on strikes and making outcries, shouting,  yelling and demanding a raise of the minimum wage. Years pass by, they might get or not the raise but the problems of their lives continue. Let me tell you something. THIS IS NOT THE SOLUTION!

You have to be careful with yourself. When you keep worried about the raise of the minimum wage you're saying to yourself that you're gonna stay at the bottom the rest of your life. NO WAY! Forget about the minimum salaray.

Generally, (not 100% of the time), the minimum wage is related to a low level of knowledge and education, so by no means it can be you. Therefore you have to forget about the minimum wage and start focusing on developing yourself as a person.

Remember,  what you get paid is because of the value you bring to the marketplace. Your wage, income or salary means how valauable you are for the reality of life.

So, given these facts, you must apply what Jim Rohn said: ''Work harder on yourself than you do on your job'' and there's more on this by Rohn, in addiction to this he also said: ''If you work hard on your job you make a living, if you work hard on yourself you make a fortune''

So from now on make the commitment to forget about the minimum wage forever and understand that strikes, complaints, anger and animosity towards the government is not the solution of your problems. Waiting for a raise in your job is a waste of time also. Nobody gets rich by waiting or by demand.

instead of waiting for a raise or begging the government to solve the problem, start working on yourself. Have a wider vocabulary,  read books, take courses, go to seminars and watch webinars on your field. If you're at a job don't just ''do your job'', go beyond that, become extraordonary, ask questions, be interested in the function of every area of the company you're in, be creative, propose solutions and ideas, and that way I guarantee you're gonna become valuable and your income is gonna be higher as a result of the importance you have.

It's ok if you start at the bottom but it's a pitiful way to live if you stay there. It makes no sense to start and not grow, to start and not change, to start and not go forward. NO!

''Get great, there's no money in being average'' Grant Cardone

Subscribe HERE to my FREE Newsletter and Download a Free Report about The Secrets of Success!

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Do You Really Have To Go To College To Succeed In Life?

For years and years we've been taught that, as a normal process of life,  we ''must'' go to college and get a diploma to ''be somebody'' in life to make a living. However, at the same time it becomes more and more common an abundant number of people who dropped out of college or didn't even go to college and have been greatly successful in their lives and many have even changed the way we work think, act, behave and proceed in our modern lives (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson or Jim Rohn to mention some examples).

All these examples, and given the higher and even higher cost of the formal education,  we might  wonder:

Is it really necessary to go to college? Does that still work? Is it a waste of time?

It's going to depend on what you wanna be, the purpose you have for your life. First of all,  it is a Must that you find out what you're passionate about, what you truly love. Nobody has been successful doing something they hate, unfortunately almost 90% of people (with or without college degree) work at jobs they hate. So, all this being said, you can't decide a path, career, business or job because it is the thing that's giving money. WRONG!. That's a fatal mistake people make and have been making for centuries. Choose what you love, and I can guarantee you're gonna be willing to learn, read and deepen on that career, business or craft you decided to take. In the end you do greatly the thing you enjoy , what you're passionate about, the thing you vibrate with.

Nevertheless, If you want to specialize in something, study something specific,  it can be much more cost-effective and practical taking courses, seminars and workshops related to what you want to do than spending 4, 5 or even 7 years at college studying a number of topics that from the very begining you know you won't use.

However, if you want to be an entrepreneur, be the owner of your life, be an investor, financially free, a leader, it is not neccesary to go to college. Reading books, findig a mentor, taking seminars, webinars, workshops, being disciplined, being different than the crowd, finding the right partners and the right way will guarantee you success. Follow your passion understanding that there's gonna be obstacles and stumbling blocks. With all that in mind you need to remember that more important than the money,   you have your ideas. Ideas are the name of money in the 21st century. 

In my case I went to college, and graduated at the age of 21, it was good. But I can tell you that it is not an obligation to go to college to succeed, of course if you want to be a doctor (which is much more like a ministry to me) lawyer or engineer you have to go to the university, but if not, It is not necessary. 

The most important thing here is; if you went to college, go forward as long as you enjoy it, be the best.  If you wish to go to college, find your passion and always focus on being the best.  If you don't want to go to college , take tools and courses that can be more effective than it. If you didn't go to college , don't pay attention to what people say about those who didn't finish it, you have an abundant world full of opportunities. 

If you want to learn more about The Secrets of Success,  subscribre HERE to my Free Newsletter and download a Free Gift too

Samuel Rosario 
Personal Development Follower
Success 2.0