viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Why Must You Do What You Love?

It looks like it's become a cliché  the saying : ''Do what you love''.

Let me explain you with clear words why this is a must.

Think about the great lawyers and the mediocre lawyers, one thing great lawyers have in common is that they totally love laws, they are passionate about reading new information on their field, they buy magazines, watch videos, look for new codes, revocations and more.

Mediocre lawyers always say things like : ''That's too large'', '' Reading that is not for me'', '' Me reading all that?''. They don't vibrate with the laws, therefore they don't read, which leads up to not knowing anything.

When you do what you love you're on a road to be successful in that field, because you're gonna learn, search and get involved in as many things as possible . You'll do what it takes.

If you do what you like you even forget when it is monday, wednesday or friday. You live your passion!, you live happily!. 

Unfortunately almost 90% of people in our society work and do things they hate. It looks like it is normal that ''working'' is doing something unbearable, torturing and unpleasant.  That is WRONG!.

Reseach shows that heart attact rate increases by 35% on monday morning from 6 AM to 10 AM. That's because of the stress people feel about going back to do something they hate.

I totally wanna invite to find what you love and do it. Don't follow the path everybody follows.

Leave me your comments. Are you doing what you love?

Samuel Rosario