lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

The 'I Don't Have Time' Doesn't Exist

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We always hear people saying the words: ''I don't have time'', you know what?, that's not true.

When something is your priority in life you will find the time to do it no matter what. Excuses, justifications or procrastination will disappear when something really is important, you will the time and even, if necessary,  the money to make that happen.

Imagine you work 10 hours a day, and study 2 hours ( talk about a very busy person) and you have a  a car which take you to the work, college and back home, and suddenly that car gets broken, the tires and the engine don't work, you take the car to the bodyshop and the worker there tells you "It's 1,000 bucks to repair it''. I can guarantee you that you will find the time and the money to repair that car no matter how ''busy'' you can be.

So what you have to do in life is establishing priorities, what you have as a priority will always be something you will have the time to do.

All this being said, from now on, don't use the words ''I don't have time'', instead, use the words ''that's not my priority''.

If you wanna kow more about this topic and many others, keep in touch with my newsletter Secrets of Success.