miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

How to Defeat your Fears Once And For All

Being afraid is only human. Staying afraid is a choice.

To beat your fears and permanently change your life, you have to put yourself out there.


Playing it safe will get you nowhere.

Think of all of the people you admire . Think of all the successful entrepreneurs, athletes and movie stars. Do you think they weren't afraid? Of course they were! You know what sets them apart from you?


Start small. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. Take a new route to work. Network with people at a play, concert or a social gathering.

Once you are comfortable with taking small risks, up the ante.

Keep taking risks until your fears begin to melt away.

The only way to really defeat your fears is to face them head on.

Be the change. 

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jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Why You Should Avoid Energy Drinks and Bars!


Have you seen people drinking fancy energy drinks before and after workouts? Have you felt like having them too, thinking they will enhance your workout? If so, then don’t, these energy drinks and bars do more bad then good. Why is that?

The reason is quite simple, just look at their ingredients. These energy drinks and bars are filled with things we have never even heard of. Chemicals, additives, artificial colors and other unnatural stuff that is not at all beneficial. Yes they may give you a temporary energy boost but is it really worth harming your body?

A lot of these energy drink makers are changing their formulas now that the world is testing their ingredients and finding them harmful. Stick with natural foods and if you feel like having a juice or drink, just make yourself a fresh juice or shake with natural fruits and vegetables.

There is nothing more refreshing than a big glass of natural homemade fruit juice!

Till we meet again! Take care!


Samuel Rosario 

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Run For Your Life!

How to Burn Fat like a Champ!


This is Samuel Rosario. I hope you are doing well. Like I've mentioned before, there is no exercise that is as simple and as effective as walking. However, there is another! Running!
Just like walking, running also does not require any equipment or gym membership. All you need is a proper place, like a park, and some decent running shoes.

Running shoes are the only equipment you will need as unlike walking, running is a high impact exercise and it is best if it is done with proper running shoes on a track.

Remember, this is NOT for those who have just started their weight loss journey. This is an exercise best for intermediates, who have been walking for at least 2 months and have lost significant weight. If you start running on your first day you can severely damage your joints, putting you on the sidelines for days, if not weeks.

But once you have experienced the thrill and the adrenaline rush of running, you will never look back! This is fat burning at its best!

So, remember, before you start running you must:

  1.          Buy a pair of good running shoes
  2.          Warm up with 10 minutes of walking
  3.          Do stretching

Till we meet again! Stay safe!

Samuel Rosario