miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Nobody is Better Than You!

Most people don't want you to know this... 

Your boss, successful business people, everyone you look up to and admire... 

The thing is, they are on the same level as you. That's right, NO ONE is better than you. 

it doesn't matter how rich, how successful or how famous they are. You are just as good as they are. 

Most people don't want you to know this. Most people want you to think that you are below them, that you are somehow more insignificant than they are. 

The truth is, you ARE as significant as they are. YOU are just as POWERFUL. 

The only difference between you and them, the only thing that sets you apart, is that they did what it took to get to where they are. They put in the work, they made the connections and they make the right decisions. 

You can do this to, starting TODAY. You can live a life that MATTERS. You just have to realize that you DESERVE that life. 

You DESERVE to live the life you were always meant to live. You have so much potential and there is an amazing life waiting for you, as soon as you are bold enough to take the first step. 

Don't let others hold you back anymore. Don't let yourself hold you back either. 

Take control and live the life you were meant to live. YOU DESERVE IT. 

Samuel Rosario

Subscribe to my FREE NEWSLETTER and learn the secrets of success 

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

How to Defeat your Fears Once And For All

Being afraid is only human. Staying afraid is a choice.

To beat your fears and permanently change your life, you have to put yourself out there.


Playing it safe will get you nowhere.

Think of all of the people you admire . Think of all the successful entrepreneurs, athletes and movie stars. Do you think they weren't afraid? Of course they were! You know what sets them apart from you?


Start small. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. Take a new route to work. Network with people at a play, concert or a social gathering.

Once you are comfortable with taking small risks, up the ante.

Keep taking risks until your fears begin to melt away.

The only way to really defeat your fears is to face them head on.

Be the change. 

If you wanna keep in touch with me,  subscribe to my FREE newsletters and in addtion get a Free Report!.  CLICK HERE

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Why You Should Avoid Energy Drinks and Bars!


Have you seen people drinking fancy energy drinks before and after workouts? Have you felt like having them too, thinking they will enhance your workout? If so, then don’t, these energy drinks and bars do more bad then good. Why is that?

The reason is quite simple, just look at their ingredients. These energy drinks and bars are filled with things we have never even heard of. Chemicals, additives, artificial colors and other unnatural stuff that is not at all beneficial. Yes they may give you a temporary energy boost but is it really worth harming your body?

A lot of these energy drink makers are changing their formulas now that the world is testing their ingredients and finding them harmful. Stick with natural foods and if you feel like having a juice or drink, just make yourself a fresh juice or shake with natural fruits and vegetables.

There is nothing more refreshing than a big glass of natural homemade fruit juice!

Till we meet again! Take care!


Samuel Rosario 

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Run For Your Life!

How to Burn Fat like a Champ!


This is Samuel Rosario. I hope you are doing well. Like I've mentioned before, there is no exercise that is as simple and as effective as walking. However, there is another! Running!
Just like walking, running also does not require any equipment or gym membership. All you need is a proper place, like a park, and some decent running shoes.

Running shoes are the only equipment you will need as unlike walking, running is a high impact exercise and it is best if it is done with proper running shoes on a track.

Remember, this is NOT for those who have just started their weight loss journey. This is an exercise best for intermediates, who have been walking for at least 2 months and have lost significant weight. If you start running on your first day you can severely damage your joints, putting you on the sidelines for days, if not weeks.

But once you have experienced the thrill and the adrenaline rush of running, you will never look back! This is fat burning at its best!

So, remember, before you start running you must:

  1.          Buy a pair of good running shoes
  2.          Warm up with 10 minutes of walking
  3.          Do stretching

Till we meet again! Stay safe!

Samuel Rosario

jueves, 9 de julio de 2015

This Is How You Burn Calories Without Paying Hundreds Of Dollars!


Want to know how you can burn hundreds of calories without spending hundreds of dollars? Of course, you do! Who doesn’t?

Don’t have a gym membership, no problem! These activities can get your burning fat better than any gym equipment!

Cycling. Going for a ride with your family and friends on your bicycle is a good way to firm up your lower body and burn plenty of calories.
Brisk walking. Going outside for a walk with a friend is a good way to burn calories, strengthen your back and bones. Every doctor recommends walking as it is the best way of losing excess weight.
Jogging. If you feel like you have walked enough, start jogging! Make sure you are wearing good jogging shoes to protect your joints.

Everyone thinks you need to have a gym membership but I say you can do so much more outside the gym and save money too!

Work hard and train hard! Till we meet again!


lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

These Activities Can Boost Your Fat Loss!

I have noticed that whenever I mention ‘getting healthy’ to people, their minds automatically jump to working hard in the gym or running and jogging for long periods of time in the park.

Our mind instantly sends us the message of tiresome routines, which results in loss of will to get healthy. We need to change that!

There are activities you can do to help in fat loss. In the long run, these will definitely be beneficial. Membership to a gym is in no way essential to losing weight!

Do Your Chores and Work Out Your Body at the Same Time!

For the ladies, this is something that can help them a lot as most girls are not comfortable going to the gym. You don’t have to take out hours at a time. You just have to spend around 10 to 15 minutes throughout the day.

The most important thing to remember is that any form of movement you do can count as exercise and burn calories in the process.

Here is a list of things you can do:

·         House Cleaning. You may not want to do this but it is a good calorie burner! What better motivation is there to keep your house clean and burn some calories too!
·         Gardening. Burn calories and make your yard look clean and pretty. This is one of the best calorie burners out there.
·         Climbing Stairs. Walking up and down flights of stairs is a great way to strengthen the lower body and burn calories fast. Skip the elevators and escalators and take the stairs.
·         Window-shopping. Walk and window shop with a friend to get your body moving.
·         Shopping. Pushing a cart in the mall for 30 minutes or so is a good way to burn some calories.

        Give it a try!!!

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

 This is the Most Effective Exercise for Weight Loss!

In this article  I will be telling you the easiest, simplest and the most effective exercise for weight loss.

As humans, we are always looking for an easy way out. But when it comes to weight loss, there is no easy way out. You have to move your body and change your eating habits. However, there is one exercise that is so easy and simple that it can help in burning that fat off your body!

And that exercise is, yes you guessed right, walking!

Simple isn’t it! All you have to do is wear any shoes you have lying around at home and just walk. You can do that outside your home, on a treadmill or in a park near you.

You don’t need any equipment, nor do you have to spend hundreds for a gym membership. It’s totally FREE!

Walking is especially good for anyone who is overweight as it is a low-impact exercise. Your knees and joints will not be stressed and you can be safe from injuries that can sideline you for days and even weeks.

So, get your walking shoes out and start walking! If you have someone to walk with you then that is even more wonderful!

If you wan to learn more How to Lose Weight Effectively  Subscribe Here to my FREE Newsletter and get a FREE Gift immediately.  

Till next time, take care!
Best regards,

Samuel Rosario

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015


Welcome to my Blog. I'm Samuel Rosario, with this blog you're going to be able to succed in all the dreams and goals you have in life such as Weight Loss, a Healthy Life, Personal Development, and Financial Freedom. With DETERMINATION, PASSION  and DISCIPLINE  you can achieve everything you want in life. Welcome Aboard!!!!