However, we have to rephrase those words..
Work doesn't dignify man, doing what you're passionate about is what dignifies you. If you work at something you hate, something that irritates you and causes you to be unhappy all you'll get is being miserable, purposeless and frustrated.
Your dignity won't be up on top if you beat yourself up with a work you don't like. The sad part of the story is that it's become ''accepted'' and ''normal'' in our society that what you do is something you don't wanna be at.
I just can't understand it..
T Harv Eker, author of the best-selling book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind has made something very interesting during his seminars;
He's asked the attendees to take their shoes off, interchange them with the person next to them and try to waltk with the other person's shoes. When they would do it, in less than 10 seconds, they would start falling off and wobble. Everybody would start laughing and shouting.
Immediately after that funny part T Harv Eker asks them : Do you guys think it is possible for a person to do that everyday for 8 hours?, everybody would answer an agressive ''NO''. He would answer to them: ''You guys do. Because that's exactly what you do when you work at jobs you don't like''.
Your dignity is gonna go up when you do what you love, nothing else. You must do what you're passionate about and you're gonna start living a happy and fulfilled life.
From now on, I invite you to find your passion and work at it and I promise you that you'll see how work dignifies you.
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