viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

Don't Listen to The News

The success or failure of our lives is determined by our thoughts, the mentality we have. Unfortunately people fill their minds, most of the time, with negative words. One of the main sources of that negative message is: The News.

It's very good in life to be informed, I'm not against that. The problem is that if you keep paying attention to the news, you're gonna believe that at least we are in hell, that this world is nonsense, life is nonsense, your country is nonsense, everything is worthless.

Your mind is gonna be full of negative expectations, a negative view, negative thoughts, you'll think that the world is caving in, that it doesn't make any sense to be in this life.

While there's so many people in life having success, beholding and living what a world full of opportunities they are in. That's a whole different perspective.

In my case when I wake up in the morning I read postive information, then , instead of listening to that whirlpool of horrible, devastating and alarming news, I fill my head with life-changing audios by Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor,  Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Luis Costa and many others. 

Since I started doing that, my life has changed dramatically. My point of view towards life has changed radically. Your morning habits will determine the quality of your days!

It's sad how many people want to have a very positive day but first thing they do in the morning is reading the newspapers or listening to the news. There they hear about murders, killings, bombings, rapes, assaults, suicides, tragedies, suffering, pain, destruction, and then after seeing all that,  they want to go out and have a positive day. It doesn't make any sense at all.

So from now on, make the compromise with yourself to fill your brain with empowering and edifying information. It's good to be informed, you can, but don't get involved in those whirlwinds of pessimistic news. Don't fill your mind with negativity.

Remember: You become what you think about!

I wanna invite you to download my Free Report; 10 Fundamental Habits For Success

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