martes, 27 de diciembre de 2016

Why You Must Have Your 2017 Goals In Writing?

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Hello there,

Today I wanna talk to about something extremely important in this upcoming 2017. Many people at this point of the year start saying what they reportedly want or will do for next year. But something happens on january 15th.

January 15th is what Tony Robbins calls ''The Cut-Off'' . That's the date where 95% of people who made new year resolutions have already broken them.

But there is a thing with those so-called ''resolutions'' or ''new year goals''. They're not actual goals, they're mere fantasies. Why?. Because they are just wishes coming into the mind of those people, those are things that people know they have to do but they don't really show seriousness with what they say, these are not real purposes, these are wishes up in the clouds.

You know what are the wishes that come true most of the time?  the ones that are in writing 

You know why?

Because when you write down your goals you're being serious with yourself.  Neurological and psychological research shows that there's a connection between your hands and your mind, meaning that if you write something down as a goal your mind will make you , push you and move you to do it.

So it doesn't matter what you want, put it all in writing and you'll see the results. 

And there's catch, It has been my personal experience, Bob Proctor suggests to put in present and not in the future what you say you want, it makes it much more clear in your mind!

Have a wonderful day

Leave me your comments or questions if you have any, feel free.

Samuel Rosario

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2016

''Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'' A cliche?

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Hello there, Happy Holidays!

This is a phrase you have heard these days and will continue to hear. However, don't use that expression just because of the trend or just for doing it. Set goals, real objetives in your life. Make your 2017  properous and  a happy year for real. 

Do it!

Do it at a way that in december 2017 you know that you have grown spiritually, personally, financially and intelectually, let your level of life be much better in 2017, don't let yourself be exactly the same you are now in 2017. 

Remember, you didn't come to this world to occupy a space , you came to shine, to fulfil a purpose. Successful people always keep learning and growing, so be like that too.

So, all this being said, if you're not gonna set goals and grow in all areas of your life , it doesn't make any sense to use the words '' Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'' and that is when it becomes a cliché and old-fashioned also.

Remember having all your desires in writing

Let's make the 2017 the best year of our lives: a happy year.

If you have any comments or questions, leave you comments below.

Have a wonderful and succesful day!

Samuel Rosario