domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Why Being Successful?

Resultado de imagen para successful

I'm pretty sure that on your way to achieve great things, while facing sad or disappointing moments, you have thought: ''Why doing all this?'' ''Why am I working on these things this hard?'' '' Is it worthy?''.

Why Being Successful?

Because you must show yourself the great value you have. You didn't come to this world to just exist or occupy a space, you came to live and achieve your dreams.

Why Being Successful?

Because happiness in humanity comes from having great goals and achieving them.

Why Being Successful?

Because nobody is gonna remember you if you're just ''normal'',  you have to do extraordinary things.

Why Being Successful?

Because our world needs more people who feel responsible for their wealth, happiness and prosperity and not more people just waiting for the goverment to solve their problems.

Why Being Successful?

Because you are more than just ''work and pay bills''.

Why Being Successful?

Because you're gonna inspire others with your story of success.

Why Being Successful?

Because you MUST leave a legacy in this world. 

Leave me your comments and tell me your own reasons why you wanna be successful.

''Be phenomenal or be forgotten'' Eric Thomas

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

Is Distribution Of Wealth The Solution?

Resultado de imagen para wealthy and poor

The millionaire businessman John Paul Getty once said ''If you took all the money in the world, divided up equally among everybody,  It will soon all be back in the same pockets''

I'm pretty sure you've heard or maybe talked about this topic of unfairness or injustice when it comes to money distribution around our world. It is true and it is real. 

Goverments and rich people do their best to help solve this problem (I even invite you to do your part here and also help those who are in dire situations).

However, there is a problem, money does not exceed your personal development. You have to prepare yourself, learn the lessons, the teachings and absorb the knowledge that will take you to that level of wealth and prosperity.

Imagine you have a 16-ounce glass in your hand, and you wanna put 2 liters of water into that glass. 

What's gonna happen?. 

You got it!. The water is gonna spill all over the table. Why?. Because that glass is not ready to receive that amount of water. That exact thing happens with money and prosperity.

You must get your glass ready before deserving that wealth and abundance you want.

That is why about 70% of lottery winners, within a few years, end up in the same place they were before. It is because they were not prepared yet to receive big amounts of money. 

You must elevate your level of awareness, knowledge and majurity to be able to actually receive wealth in your life and keep it. You gotta be rich in your mind first and it'll become a reality!.

The legend Jim Rohn in 1981 said: ''Sometimes income takes a lucky jump but sure enough unless you grow at what it is, It'll usually come back where you are''.

So the lesson here is, you must read the books, take the courses, programs and seminars that will propel you and take you up to the level of consciousness you need to attract that greatness you want.

Leave me your best comment below and tell me what you think about it!. Are you elevating your level of awareness?

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Positive People Don't Get Sick

Resultado de imagen para happy people

80-90% of diseases are created by the mind..

How is that?

Studies of the Psychosomatic Medicine show that it is our mind that gets our body sick because of the stress, anxiety, negativity or pessimism people migh have in their heads.

All those conditions make your immune system go down dramatically and, of course, absorb all kind of diseases, pandemics, endemics and viruses in this world. 

You find yourself in a situation that you can't get out of a painful state.

However, when you are positive, listen to positive people  get surrounded by high energetic people, read positive information, have clear goals and have big dreams, diseases get away from you.

When you are at an optimistic state of mind, your immune system gets strong and powerful. Your body won't let illnesses in.

It's just amazing!..

Of course there might be some dieases and some particular situations, but in general, positive and optimistic people are far far away from gettig sick, and there's something even better, they are more likely to live longer!

All this being said, I wanna invite you today to start (or keep) thinking and living a positive and powerful life, stay away from the crowd complaints, regrets or negative talkings.

The benefits you get from being positive are countless. This is quality all successful people have. It is key for your success!

Keep in touch with my daily newsletter ''Secrets of Success'' and I'll be telling much more about all this

''It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive'' Ellen DeGeneres